With our departure from the EU now officially going ahead, I should really be exploring English wines this week as that is one sector of our business which will thrive now thanks to the plummeting pound (silver linings & all that...) But in truth all I wanted today was something easy, something that didn't need too much thinking about and which might help put a smile on my face. So I headed for Sainsbury's Rosé shelf.
Gamay is a grape variety found in both the Loire and Burgundy in France. It has a similar profile to Pinot Noir in that it is soft & fruity, and it is used in these regions's cheaper reds & rosés. This Gamay rosé is best served super chilled so you can enjoy the lovely strawberry & citrus fruit flavours, with a hint of mint. Slightly darker in colour and more fruity than a Provence rosé, it is exactly what you'd want for a fiver and has helped immensely in taking my mind off Friday's dramatic news & the hailstorm outside.
Happy Swigging!